Friday, May 29, 2015

10 E-Mail Marketing Statistics You Need to Know in order to buy our Email Lists Database

10 E-Mail Marketing Statistics You Need to Know in order to buy our Email Lists Database

E-mail marketing is a powerful sales channel. It represents a growing % of company sales and profits.

1. Did you know that marketers sent over 838 billion e-mails in 2014? That’s almost 9 times as many direct mail pieces the U.S. Postal Service delivered.

2. For every $1 spent, $44.25 is the average return on email marketing investment.

3. E-mail is the most popular activity on smartphones among users ages 18-44.

4. 91% of consumers check their e-mail at least once a day.

5. There were 3.6 billion e-mail accounts in 2013. By 2016, the number will reach 4.3 billion.

6. 54% of e-mails sent by businesses are marketing messages.

7. 74% of consumers prefer to receive commercial communications via e-mail

8. 64% of decision-makers read their e-mail via mobile devices.

9. 66% of online consumers, ages 15 and up made a purchase as a result of e-mail marketing messages.

10. Using the words “Sale” or “New” or “Video” in subject lines boost open and click-through rates.

If you are still interested in buying an email Database please click on

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